Tuesday 16 March 2010

Sign this petition, now

clipped from www.petition.fm
Common Sense Mayor - Fighting PC
Common Sense Mayor - Fighting PC

The Mayor of Doncaster is being subjected to an investigation to answer an outrageous charge that his plans to eradicate political correctness would incite hatred.  

It is likely that this complaint (which has already cost taxpayers in Doncaster many thousands of pounds) will be escalated still further and will interfere with his democratically elected mandate to tackle political correctness.

80% of the people of Britain (in an ICM poll commissioned by the Campaign Against Political Correctness) are fed up with political correctness and this figure is consistent regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, geographical location etc. 

We urge all those who want to see an end to political correctness - which is intolerant, bureaucratic and expensive - to support the Mayor in his fight for a return to common sense and sign this petition now.
 blog it

1 comment:

bootieboy said...

This fine fellow should be first past the post at Doncaster.