Tuesday 8 July 2008

Poor reporting by Mail puts justice in jeopardy

clipped from www.dailymail.co.uk

Cyclist killed teenage girl on pavement 'after refusing to swerve to avoid her'

Howard, of Buckingham, was travelling at between 23mph and 17mph down the road and was captured on CCTV, Aylesbury Magistrates heard.

Chris Thompson, defending, said: 'Mr Howard was riding down towards a group of young people. He shouted a warning and the group moved to his left. You were right, exactly what you said. But Rhiannon at the last minute stepped back in front of him. Is that what happened?'

The witness said: 'When I turned around he was on the footpath.'

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I scrutinised this piece very carefully as I was held by the headlines, but angry that the evidence does not support it. Unfortunately, there will be no comprehensive report as the Court is only a magistrates court and it will only be public interests that determine if it is covered. A judge would no doubt be demanding that the Mail awaits until after the trial has concluded to come up with such a definitive headline. The article includes the passage..."was travelling at between 23mph and 17mph down the road and was captured on CCTV".
Sympathies to the family, but let the verdict be just.

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