Wednesday 9 April 2008

Jump for progress?

Jan in Big Brother rumours
Well done the Paras. If you've decided that it's okay to have gender benders dictate your policies, then it's your ndabe. One of the main reasons for having a professional force was so everyone knew exactly what their role was within a unit. My disquiet at open homosexuals within the Forces is that they distract from doing work. If someone is more interested in determining their own gender - I'm homosexual and I want my boyfriend to have a house in Catterick - then that is a distraction. Having served within Territorial/National Service army environments, the highest percentage of casualties occurred was when the lads were within the first two weeks of call-up, or in the last two week before stand-down. Any distraction was and is a hindrance, not only to themselves, but to their comrades.
It is hard enough to maintain discipline within a straight unit, let alone this new army/navy. If I continually hear dissent coming from the SNCO cadre, why do the higher ups and politicians not hear it? Is homosexuality now a compulsory part of entrance?

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