Saturday 28 April 2007

The day the Navy died.

The Navy waste Billions on state of the art Frigates and man them with...???
To illustrate opinion of the quality of todays MOD Nelsons we have submitted this design for the next line of warships. It will be ideal for patrolling Offah's Dyke for when that alien nation gets independence. Major Julian Thompson Royal Marines awarded me £5.00 and I was classed unfit ships. That's because I got well relaxed and refused to give some lame excuse to a stranger -all-be-he an officer, as to why a disgruntled man got shitfaced. For the next twenty plus years I never once charged a man with being drunk who was off duty at the time and recovered sufficiently t be sober on parade.

Compare that to HMS Cornwall, HMS Nottingham... Unfit NAVY????

Perhaps they should have given Cornwall's boat crews grog instead of potato guns and blue liners - navy issue fags- when doing patrols. And those whalers appear to be a touch narrow in the beam for the fat arses on board! No doubt the modern sailor does not partake of the traditional whaler races that ensured fitness and teamwork? Hence no Gun Crews. They definitely have no need for them when supporting the members away from the ship.

You can see from above that Cornwall's gun crews were 'stood to'!!!

PS. Mr Blair, the Minister of Defence and the Labour Party, just what are you adding to five hundred years of Naval Tradition? A two handed salute?

Have you no idea of the shame that you bring on a once proud Service? Nelson was armless and minus an eye. His successors appear spineless, clueless and totally lacking moral fibre. If recruitment is so bad that you have to ignore standards then have the courage to tell the backslapping morons at Westminster precisely that. So what if you loose a little bit of your pensions. You'll appreciate what damage the 1973 Social Security and Pensions Act did for the ordinary servicemen.

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